Oil paintings on panel
33 x 48cm.
oil paintings on panel, 33 x 48cm.
Paintings made from experimental film material-stills. Film adaption from the film registration in Betty Asvalt Theater by Buble Eyes 14 april 2018
Monalisatoneel Mode Is Een Tiran. Written by Yve du Bois. Styling & foto’s by Yo de Bo. Players: Monique van Miltenburg, Celine Kroon, Andrea van Pol, Patricia Werner Leanse, Yo de Bo, Aynoek Tan, Jacomina van Loon.
EXPERIMENTAL FILM by Jacomina on Vimeo
Draft article by Mieke Bal submitted for discussion to the conference Imperfection organized by Ellen Rutten, March 11-12, and for a seminar on intermedialities, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, on February 20 2019: Making Meaning with Mistakes